Mateo Falcone part 3
On a certain day in autumn, Mateo set out at an early hour with his wife to visit one of his flocks in a clearing of the maquis. The little Fortunato wanted to go...
Mateo Falcone part 2
When I was in Corsica in 18—, Mateo Falcone had his house half a league from this maquis. He was rich enough for that country, living in noble style—that is to say, doing nothing—on...
Mateo Falcone part 1
Prosper Merimee (1803—1870)
Born in Paris in 1803, Merimee spent the greater part of his life in the government service and in travelling. In later years he became a senator. His chief works are his...
Esyllt and Sabrina part 12
The confession made, and absolution given, the recluse looked out of his window, and directly knew him. “Blessed be the most high God,” said he, “now I do know thee. I have here a...
Esyllt and Sabrina part 11
That obscene wretch cannot be our sovereign. You alone are he, whom we have known from childhood; and we in treat that this fellow may be severely punished as a warning to others how...
Esyllt and Sabrina part 10
Thus afflicted, he gave himself up to the wretchedness of his untoward condition. In the agony of his heart, he said: “What shall I do? Oh! what will be my destiny! I am loaded...
Esyllt and Sabrina part 9
“Infamous ribald!” shouted the porter, “just before thy approach, the Emperor Jovinian, accompanied by the officers of his household, entered the palace. My lord both went and returned with him; and but even now...
Esyllt and Sabrina part 8
In truth the glory of the upper world was well nigh too much for the child, she hid herself from the light and from the sounds, and languished for the still chamber which had...
Esyllt and Sabrina part 7
But because the King loved Esyllt better than his life, and because he feared everything from the jealousy of Guendolen if she should in any way discover that Esyllt lived, he fitted up a...
Esyllt and Sabrina part 6
Such as Corineus was, such were his followers; shaggy-browed, iron-sinewed, ample in stature, resolute in purpose, and ruthless in action, they waited but a sign from their chief to dash like wolves upon the...